96-well Cell Adhesion Assay
(Vitronectin Coated, Fluorometric Assay)
Catalog Number: ECM-1024 96 assays
Storage: Upon arrival store the components at 4C.
Introduction: Due to its diverse nature and composition, the ECM can serve many functions, such as providing support and anchorage for cells, segregating tissues from one another, and regulating intercellular communication. The ECM regulates a cell"s dynamic behavior. In addition, it sequesters a wide range of cellular growth factors, and acts as a local depot for them. Changes in physiological conditions can trigger protease activities that cause local release of such depots. This allows the rapid and local growth factor-mediated activation of cellular functions, without de novo synthesis.
Formation of the extracellular matrix is essential for processes like growth, wound healing and fibrosis. An understanding of ECM structure and composition also helps in comprehending the complex dynamics of tumor invasion and metastasis in cancer biology as metastasis often involves the destruction of extracellular matrix by enzymes such as serine and Threonine proteases and Matrix metalloproteinase.
Biopioneer 96-well Cell Adhesion Microplate Assays are designed for the determination of the relative attachment of adherent cell lines to extracellular matrix proteins such as clooagen I, collagen IV, Firbronectin and vitronectin.
Principle of the assay
BioPioneer 96-well Cell Adhesion Assays are designed for the determination of cell attachment to ECM proteins. After incubation followed by a brief wash step, attached cells are quantified with fluorescent dye. BSA-coated wells serve as a negative control, and poly-L-lysine-coated wells serve as a positive control for general attachment.
Materials Provided
1. VitronectinAdhesion Plate (Part No. ECM-10114): One 96-well plate containing 72 Bovine Vitronectin coated wells , 8 BSA-coated wells and 8 poly-lysine coated wells(see layout below)
2. Fluorecent dye Solution (Part #: 10003): 50 ul in an amber vial
3. PBS
Materials Not Supplied
1. Cell culture medium
2. Serum free medium, such as DMEM containing 0.5% BSA, 2 mM CaCl2 and 2 mM MgCl2
4. 1XD PBS
5. 96-well microtiter plate