2x Hotstart Taq super mix, 500 reactions HotStart Taq Master Mix is a ready-to-use mixture of HotStart Taq DNA Polymerase, PCR Buffer, and dNTPs. Room-temperature reaction setup using this Master Mix is fast and easy, simply pipet 12.5?l HotStart Taq Master Mix into each PCR tube and add 12.5?l of primers and template DNA diluted in the distilled water provided with the kit.
• for amplification of genomic DNA sequences with high fidelity, specificity, sensitivity, and yield;
• for manual or automated PCR reaction setup at room temperature;
• designed for high through-put genotyping and screening.
HotStart PCR Master Mix is a 2x concentrated reagent mix, monoclonal antibody-based, optimized for built-in hot start PCR amplification. It contains Taq DNA polymerase mix, 2x PCR-buffer, dNTP, and stabilizers. Taq polymerase mix is a special thermostable DNA polymerase complexed with a proprietary Taq monoclonal antibody, which blocks polymerase activity prior to the onset of thermal cycling. This prevents primer-dimers and other artifacts resulting from low-level synthesis from nonspecifically primed sites. The antibodies are quickly inactivated by the increased temperature of thermal cycling. The monoclonal antibody based HotStart PCR Master Mix requires no prolonged heating or denaturing step as do other hotstart methods.
Preheating may inactivate Taq DNA polymerase. The Hot Start PCR Master Mix has been well designed for amplification of genomic DNA sequences, particularly for genotyping for multiple primer sets.
100 units Taq polymerase, 100 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.75 (at 25°C), 50 mM (NH4)2SO4, 5 mM MgCl2, 0.5% Trinton X-100, 40 µM of each dNTP, Taq monoclonal antibody, and stabilizers.
It is stable for 8-10 months, if it is kept at –20oC.