Product Description: Recombinant HEK293 cell line expressing rat PDE7A (phosphodiesterase 7A, accession number NM_031080).
Format: Each vial contains 1 X 106 cells in 1 ml of 10% DMSO.
Introduction: Phosphodiesterases(PDEs)regulatetheintracellularlevelsofcAMPandcGMPby hydrolyzingcAMPandcGMPtotheirinactive5"monophosphates.Thesecyclic nucleotidesplayanimportantroleassecondmessengersindiversephysiological functions. PDE7is a cAMP-specific enzyme andtwo PDE genes(PDE7A and PDE7B) havebeenidentified. PDE7is widelyexpressedinvarioustissues, with PDE7Afound primarilyin skeletal muscle, Tlymphocytes, and pancreas, while highlevels of PDE7B are detected in brain, heart, and liver. Inhibition of PDE7 activity by its inhibitors leads to elevated intracellular level of cAMP.
References: Malik, R. et al.(2008) Cloning, stable expression of human phosphodiesterase 7A and developmentofanassayforscreeningofPDE7selectiveinhibitors.Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol.77 (5): 1167-1173Fan Chung, K. (2006) Phosphodiesterase inhibitors in airways disease. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 533(1-3):110-117