mEF Feeder Cells (NeoR) Cat. #. SC-001-2
BioPioneer"s mEF Feeder Cells (NeoR) are specially manufactured mouse embryonic fibroblast (mEF) feeder cells for supporting growth of non-differentiated human and mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. The mEF Feeder cells are neomycin-resistant, thus, useful for gene targeting applications.
Shipping and Storage Condition:
Ship in dry ice;
Store in liquid nitrogen upon receiving.
Cell Count: 3-5x 106 Cells/tube x 3 tubes
Inactivated: by irradiation
Sterility: no microbial growth detected
Mycoplasma: no mycoplasma growth detected
Antibiotics Resistance: Neomycin resistant
Plating Efficiency: > 70% cells adhere within 24 hours of plating
Monolayer Formation: forms confluent monolayer within 2days of plating
ES Cell Maintenance: supports growth of non-differentiatedhuman and mouse ES cells
Plating Instruction:
Store the cells in Liquid nitrogen upon receiving. Thawing the cells at 37 oC water bath (do not over incubate), immediately transfer to mEF medium, then spin to pellet the cells using a bench-top centrifuge, such as Beckman-Coulter?s ALLEGRA 6R at 800 rpm. Re-suspend the cells with VERY GENTLE pipetting in an appropriate amount (10-20 mL) of a fresh DMEM medium containing 10% FCS, 1 x Antibiotics and 50 ?M ?-Mercaptoethanol and plate the cells on 0.1% gelatin treated plate.
? As feeder layer for mouse ES (mES) cells;
? As feeder layer for human ES (hES) cells.
Some applications in which this product can be used may be covered by patents issued and applicable in certain countries. Because purchase of this product does not include a license to perform any patented application, users of this product may be required to obtain a patent license depending upon the particular application and country in which the product is used.
Limited Product Warranty:
This warranty limits BioPioneer?s liability to replacement of the product. No other warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are provided by BioPioneer. BioPioneer shall have no liability for any direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages arising out of the use, the results of use, or the inability to use this product.